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Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration: Integrated natural science and socio-economic approaches to catchment management

Archive of previous news

  • Jacky Girel (Grenoble) presented a paper on ‘Landuse history and
    changes in biodiversity in Alpine floodplains:the example of the Isere
    River’ at a conference on ‘Multifunctional Landscapes’ at Roskilde,
    Denmark in Novermber 2000.
  • The first meetings of the FLOBAR2 Stakeholder Group in the UK took
    place in Cambridge on January 11th and February 2nd, 2001. Francine
    Hughes and Keith Richards presented the aims and work of FLOBAR2 and
    had excellent and fruitful discussions with the stakeholders on the
    focus and form for the proposed ‘best-practice manual for restoring
    floodplain woodland’. This manual will be a significant output of the
    FLOBAR2 project.
  • The second meeting of FLOBAR2 took place in Clermont-Ferrand, France
    on February 23rd and 24th, 2001. The meeting was timed to allow all
    partners to discuss their first year’s work prior to writing the first
    annual report. Individual workpackage meetings took place, small groups
    working together with much enthusiasm and interest. Representatives
    of each workpackage then presented a resume of the previous year’s work
    and projected work at a plenary session. The partner from IRS, Berlin
    took the opportunity to carry out some interactive work with partners
    grouped by country in order to discuss the institutional structures
    involved in each country’s water resource management. A field trip to
    magnificent alluvial woodland areas on the Allier River, led by Jean-Luc
    Peiry rounded off an enjoyable and productive meeting.

    of the meeting are available on this website.

Outdoor meeting
Indoor meeting
  • Keith Richards (Cambridge) and Mats Johansson (Umea) presented papers
    at the ‘Riverine Landscapes’ conference at Ascona, Switzerland in March
  • Francine Hughes (Cambridge), Etienne Muller (Toulouse), Mark Winfield
    (Cambridge) and Nadia Barsoum (Cambridge)presented oral or poster papers
    on the work of FLOBAR2 at a conference on ‘Genetic Diversity in river
    populations of Black Poplar’ at Szekszard, Hungary in May 2001. This
    conference was organised by the EUROPOP Project
  • Jean-Luc Peiry(Clermont), Franck Vautier (Grenoble) and Jacky Girel
    (Grenoble) presented a poster paper in Lyon at a conference called “Scientifiques
    et Decideurs ; agir pour une gestion durable des systemes fluviaux”
    (6-7-8 June 2001).