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Centre for Geographical Economic Research

Enterprise, Creativity and Place

It is widely recognized that enterprise and innovation are shaped not just by national factors, but also by their regional and local contexts. Much is unknown, however, about the detailed processes causing local variations in entrepreneurial and creative behaviour and how these processes are fostered or hindered by economics dynamics, financial institutions and knowledge networks. This research stream addresses geographies of enterprise and innovation and seeks to understand their key dimensions and causes in different regions, localities and industries.

Publications and Papers

Martin, R.L., Berndt, C., Klagge, B. and Sunley, P.J. (2005) Spatial Proximity Effects and Regional Equity Gaps in the Venture Capital Market: Evidence from Germany and the United Kingdom, Environment and Planning A, 37, pp. 1207-1231.

Klagge, B. and Martin, R.L. (2005) Decentralised versus Centralised Financial Systems; Is There a Case for Local Capital Markets? Journal of Economic Geography, 5, pp. 387-422.

Baxter, C., Moore, B., Morrison, N., McGaffin, R., Otero-García, M., and Tyler, P. (2007) Enterprising Places; Sustaining Competitive Locations for Knowledge-based Business, CMI MIT Research Series, Cambridge.

Tyler, P. and Baxter, C. (2007) Facilitating Enterprising Places: the Role of Intermediaries in the United States and the United Kingdom. In Polenski, K (Ed) The Economic Geography of Innovation, Cambridge University Press.

Sunley, P.J. and Martin, R.L., (2007). New Path Creation and the City Region Economy: some Conceptual Issues and an Exploratory Analysis, Ch. 4 in Simmie, J and Carpenter, J (Eds) Path Dependence and the Evolution of City-Region Economies, NESTA, London.

Simmie, J. and Martin, R.L. (2008) History Matters: Path Dependence and Innovation in British City-Regions, Research Report, NESTA, London.

Simmie, J. and Martin, R.L. (2008) Path Dependence and Innovation in City-Regions, International Journal of Innovation Management, Policy and Practice, 10, pp. 183-196.

Donald, B., Gertler, M.S. and Tyler, P. (2013) Creatives after the crash, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 6, 3-21.